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Memorabilia Framing

Protect and display your mementos and collectibles with top-quality memorabilia framing.

Memories can last a lifetime…but the mementos that remind us of those memories tend to be more fragile. Fortunately, Allan Jeffries Framing can help you preserve all kinds of memorabilia without having to hide it away in a closet or an album somewhere. Our top-quality memorabilia framing will allow you to display your favorite items while still keeping them protected from UV damage, dust, and other hazards.

We love creating framing solutions for all kinds of items, such as:

  • Sports memorabilia
  • Movie memorabilia
  • Theatre memorabilia
  • Travel memorabilia
  • Personal/Family memorabilia

Endless Options for Framing 2D Memorabilia

If your memorabilia is flat, it could easily be accommodated with one of our top-quality picture frames. We have many readymade frames to choose from, as well as the ability to craft custom frames for memorabilia framing using one of over 3,000 different frame mouldings. If your memorabilia is delicate, we can use archival materials to protect it from becoming damaged by acids or UV rays. This type of memorabilia framing is ideal for:

  • Posters
  • Photos
  • Autographs
  • Sports trading cards
  • Diplomas
  • Wedding & Baby announcements
  • Newspaper clippings

Custom Shadow Boxes for 3D Memorabilia

For memorabilia that has a bit too much dimension to fit comfortably in a traditional picture frame, we recommend custom shadow box framing. Our acrylic/plexiglass boxes can provide the protection from dust, UV damage, and curious fingers your memorabilia needs, while still allowing the memorabilia to be appreciated from multiple angles. The depth of the box can be tailored to the dimensions of your item, and the back or bottom of the box can feature a colored matboard if you wish. Shadow boxes are an ideal memorabilia framing solution for items like:

  • Costumes
  • Masks
  • Movie props
  • Sports jerseys
  • Balls & sports equipment
  • Trophies & awards
  • Baby shoes

We Guarantee Your Satisfaction with Our Work

When you invest in custom memorabilia framing from Allan Jeffries Framing, you are assured of a top-quality frame thanks to the skill of our talented and experienced frame artists. In the unlikely event there is a flaw in our work, we will make it right at no additional charge.

Come Visit Us

To learn more about memorabilia framing, please give us a call or visit one of our three frame shops to chat with our staff.

Ready To Get Started? We're Here For You.